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5 of the Best Finance Books Available in 2021
5 of the Best Finance Books Available in 2021

Improve your business and personal finances with these invaluable finance books.

2 min read
Understanding the Pareto Principle
Understanding the Pareto Principle

According to the Pareto rule, causes and effects aren’t equally distributed.

2 min read
Should Small Businesses Accept Cryptocurrency?
Should Small Businesses Accept Cryptocurrency?

Discover the benefits of cryptocurrency payments for small businesses.

Fixed Costs vs Variable Costs: What You Need To Know
Fixed Costs vs Variable Costs: What You Need To Know

We explore the difference between fixed and variable costs in accounting

2 min read
What is Financial Modelling & Why is it Important?
What is Financial Modelling & Why is it Important?

Financial modelling is an invaluable tool for your business. Here’s how it works

2 min read
The billing process explained
The billing process explained

Find out how the billing process works in detail

2 min read
What Is The Opening Balance
What Is The Opening Balance

Find out how the opening balance and closing balance are calculated

2 min read
Understanding Revenue: Definition, Formula & Examples
Understanding Revenue: Definition, Formula & Examples

We explore revenue. The raw material from which your profits are made!

2 min read
Offset Definition & Examples
Offset Definition & Examples

We explain how offsets work and provide practical examples

2 min read
How to Calculate Future Value
How to Calculate Future Value

Future value is calculated using the future value formula

2 min read
What Is Depletion?
What Is Depletion?

Discover the meaning of depletion, in simple terms

2 min read
Understanding current liabilities
Understanding current liabilities

How do current liabilities work? Find out more

2 min read
What Is a Fixed Charge?
What Is a Fixed Charge?

Learn about fixed charges, including the fixed charge coverage ratio

2 min read
Tangible Assets: Definition and Examples
Tangible Assets: Definition and Examples

Learn about tangible assets and how they are valued

2 min read
What is an EFT payment?
What is an EFT payment?

Explore the EFT payment method in more detail with our comprehensive guide.

2 min read
Preferred Stock Definition & Examples
Preferred Stock Definition & Examples

Discover the pros and cons of preferred stock compared with common stock

2 min read
Statement of Operations Definition & Examples
Statement of Operations Definition & Examples

Create a statement of operations to gauge the state of your business

2 min read
How To Record Common Stock in Accounting
How To Record Common Stock in Accounting

Find out if common stock is the right investment for you

2 min read
A Complete Guide to Crowdfunding Platforms
A Complete Guide to Crowdfunding Platforms

Could crowdfunding platforms provide financing for your next project?

3 min read
A Complete Guide to Accounting Ledgers
A Complete Guide to Accounting Ledgers

Accounting ledger books form the foundation of your financial statements.

3 min read
What is a Billing Address?
What is a Billing Address?

What is a billing address and how does it differ from other addresses

3 min read
What is an Accounting System?
What is an Accounting System?

We explore different accounting systems and why they’re essential for businesses

2 min read
6 Tax Deductions For Small Businesses
6 Tax Deductions For Small Businesses

Is your business claiming all of the tax deductions it should be?

2 min read
Cash flow
What are the UK income tax brackets and what do they mean?
What are the UK income tax brackets and what do they mean?

Find out which tax bracket you fall into and what you can expect to pay

2 min read
Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help
Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

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