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Coach: An alternative to Rails controllers

Lawrence Jones
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Last editedJun 2024

Today we're open sourcing Coach, a library that removes the complexity from Rails controllers. Bundle your shared behaviour into highly robust, heavily tested middlewares and rely on Coach to join them together, providing static analysis over the entire chain. Coach ensures you only require a glance to see what's being run on each controller endpoint.

At GoCardless we've replaced all our controller code with Coach middlewares.

Why controller code is tricky

Controller code often suffers from hidden behaviour and tangled data dependencies, making it hard to read and difficult to test.

To keep your endpoints performant, you never want to be running a cacheable operation more than once. This leads to memoizing your database queries but the question is then where to store this data? If you want the rest of your controller code to be able to access it, then storing the data on the controller instance is the easiest way to make that happen.

In an attempt to reuse code, controller methods are then split out into controller concerns (mixins), which are included as needed. This leads to controllers that look skinny but have a large amount of included behaviour, all defined far from their call site.

Some of these implicitly defined methods are called in before_actions, making it even more unclear what code is being run when you hit your controllers. Inherited before_actions can lead to a controller that runs several methods before every action without it being clear which these are.

One of the first things we do when a request hits GoCardless is parse authentication details and pull a reference to that access token out of the database. As the request progresses, we make use of that token to scope our database queries, tag our logs and verify permissions. This sharing and reuse of data is what makes writing controller code complex.

So how does Coach help?

Coach rethinks this approach by building your controller code around the data needed for your request. All your controller code is built from Coach::Middlewares, which take a request context and decide on a response. Each middleware can opt to respond itself, or call the next middleware in the chain.

Each middleware can specify the data it requires from those that have ran before it, and can declare what data it will pass to those that come after. This makes the flow of data explicit, and Coach will verify that the requirements have been met before you ever mount an endpoint.

Coach by example

The best way to see the benefits of Coach is with a demonstration...

Mounting an endpoint

class HelloWorld < Coach::Middleware
  def call
    # Middleware return a Rack response
    [ 200, {}, ['hello world'] ]

So we've created ourselves a piece of middleware, HelloWorld. As you'd expect, HelloWorld simply outputs the string 'hello world'.

In an example Rails app, called Example, we can mount this route like so...

Example::Application.routes.draw do
  match "/hello_world",
        via: :get

Once you've booted Rails locally, the following should return 'hello world':

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:3000/hello_world

Building chains

Suppose we didn't want just anybody to see our HelloWorld endpoint. In fact, we'd like to lock it down behind some authentication.

Our request will now have two stages, one where we check authentication details and another where we respond with our secret greeting to the world. Let's split into two pieces, one for each of the two subtasks, allowing us to reuse this authentication flow in other middlewares.

class Authentication < Coach::Middleware
  def call
    unless User.exists?(login: params[:login])
      return [ 401, {}, ['Access denied'] ]

class HelloWorld < Coach::Middleware
  uses Authentication

  def call
    [ 200, {}, ['hello world'] ]

Here we detach the authentication logic into its own middleware. HelloWorld now uses Authentication, and will only run if it has been called via from authentication.

Notice we also use params just like you would in a normal Rails controller. Every middleware class will have access to a request object, which is an instance of ActionDispatch::Request.

Passing data through middleware

So far we've demonstrated how Coach can help you break your controller code into modular pieces. The big innovation with Coach, however, is the ability to explicitly pass your data through the middleware chain.

An example usage here is to create a HelloUser endpoint. We want to protect the route by authentication, as we did before, but this time greet the user that is logged in. Making a small modification to the Authentication middleware we showed above...

class Authentication < Coach::Middleware
  provides :user  # declare that Authentication provides :user

  def call
    return [ 401, {}, ['Access denied'] ] unless user.present?

    provide(user: user)

  def user
    @user ||= User.find_by(login: params[:login])

class HelloUser < Coach::Middleware
  uses Authentication
  requires :user  # state that HelloUser requires this data

  def call
    # Can now access `user`, as it's been provided by Authentication
    [ 200, {}, [ "hello #{}" ] ]

# Inside config/routes.rb
Example::Application.routes.draw do
  match "/hello_user",
        via: :get

Coach analyses your middleware chains whenever a new Handler is created. If any middleware requires :x when its chain does not provide :x, we'll error out before the app even starts.


Our problems with controller code were implicit behaviours, hidden data dependencies and as a consequence of both, difficult testing. Coach has tackled each of these, providing the framework to restructure own controllers into code that is easily understood, and easily maintained.

Coach also hooks into ActiveSupport::Notifications, making monitoring performance of our API really easy. We've written a little adapter that sends detailed performance metrics up to Skylight, where we can keep an eye out for sluggish endpoints.

Coach is on GitHub. As always, we love suggestions, feedback, and pull requests!

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