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GoCardless named ‘Xero App Partner of the Year’ at Xerocon London

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Last editedJun 20242 min read

We’re overjoyed to share the news that GoCardless has been named ‘Xero App Partner of the Year’ at this year’s Xerocon London awards ceremony!

We were up against some stiff competition in the Xero App Partner category from our friends at Futrli, Receipt Bank and Movemybooks, so we’re over the moon to have been handed this award by Xero founder, Rod Drury, and Xero MD, Gary Turner.

Our sincere thanks go out to everyone who’s supported our new and improved GoCardless for Xero integration in 2016 – you’ve made it a fantastic journey, and very special thanks must go to our partners at Directli and at Xero HQ. Thank you so much.

A valued payment solution for Xero users

Picking up this award cements our position as a valued payment solution within the Xero app ecosystem; a community that we love being a part of and continue to support at every opportunity. We appreciate the feedback we’ve had from GoCardless users along the way, enabling us to keep on refining, improving and optimising our solution.

With GoCardless for Xero we’ve created a way for Xero users to integrate Direct Debit seamlessly into their online invoicing, cash collection and bank reconciliation processes.

We recently sat down with Sharon Pocock of Kinder Pocock, Xero’s Most Valued Professional of 2016, to find out how our app had enabled her to automate her accountancy firm’s payments and streamline their financial admin. As she explained:

“Once you have GoCardless in place it’s like you’ve always had it – it’s central to our processes and how we collect our own fees now. Having GoCardless really streamlines the whole process of collecting cash; it happens in the background automatically and we don’t really notice.”

Bringing Direct Debit into the digital age

Our mission has always been to make payment technology simpler, faster and more automated, and Direct Debit has been the catalyst for this.

We’ve brought Direct Debit into the digital age by moving everything online and automating the whole process of getting paid. And by removing the high fees and complexity of the traditional banking Direct Debit system, we’ve made simple, automated payment options accessible to even the smallest business.

Continued development in the future of payment technology

We’re delighted to see our user base continuing to grow and, as the Direct Debit solution of choice for Xero users, we’re committed to ensuring we’re providing the best solution to support these customers.

We’ll continue to invest in the development of GoCardless, and our integration with Xero, listening to users’ feedback and taking every opportunity to make it easier than ever for you to get paid on time, every time.

Find out how Kinder Pocock is streamlining cash collection with GoCardless for Xero

Over 85,000 businesses use GoCardless to get paid on time. Learn more about how you can improve payment processing at your business today.

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Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help
Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

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