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Cryptocurrency regulations in Australia
Cryptocurrency regulations in Australia

Is cryptocurrency legal in Australia? The answer is a resounding yes

2 min read
Risk management guide for businesses
Risk management guide for businesses

Learn to identify, assess, and mitigate risks with a risk management plan

3 min read
How to benefit from JobMaker as a small business
How to benefit from JobMaker as a small business

Could your business benefit from the government’s JobMaker scheme?

2 min read
XIRR vs. IRR: What’s the Difference?
XIRR vs. IRR: What’s the Difference?

Learn more about the difference between IRR and XIRR, right here.

2 min read
A Guide To Secure Payment Services
A Guide To Secure Payment Services

How can you ensure secure online payments for your clients? Here’s what to know.

2 min read
What is a charge card?
What is a charge card?

Discover why a charge card can be hugely beneficial for your company.

2 min read
Payslips: definition and templates
Payslips: definition and templates

Make sure you’re using the right payslip format for your employees

2 min read
The benefits of budgeting in business
The benefits of budgeting in business

Budgeting tools keep your business on track with its financial objectives

3 min read
Small business tax offset
Small business tax offset

Are you eligible for a small business tax offset? Find out the latest details

2 min read
Boosting cash flow for employers during Covid-19
Boosting cash flow for employers during Covid-19

Find out whether you’re eligible for covid-related cash flow boost payments

2 min read
Cash flow
Guide to the Reserve Bank of Australia
Guide to the Reserve Bank of Australia

Discover the primary goals of the Reserve Bank of Australia in this guide

3 min read
Should I offer a bonus or raise at work?
Should I offer a bonus or raise at work?

Rewarding your employees for their hard work is essential for morale

Are health care premiums tax deductible?
Are health care premiums tax deductible?

Health care tax credits help cover the cost of premiums

2 min read
The pros and cons of outsourcing
The pros and cons of outsourcing

Outsourcing can be the perfect way to reduce costs and boost efficiency

3 min read
A guide to cash flow management
A guide to cash flow management

Everything you need to know about managing your business’s cash flow

2 min read
Understanding the difference between gross and net profit
Understanding the difference between gross and net profit

Getting gross profit and net profit confused can have consequences

2 min read
Sales forecasting and why it matters for your business
Sales forecasting and why it matters for your business

Find out how sales forecasting can help you run your business

2 min read
An Introduction To Contribution Margin
An Introduction To Contribution Margin

Learn about contribution margin to fine-tune your forward planning

2 min read
The cash ratio and what it tells you about your business
The cash ratio and what it tells you about your business

Find out how to calculate the cash ratio of your business

2 min read
Why is Cash Flow Management Important?
Why is Cash Flow Management Important?

We explain cash flow management and why it’s so important for SMEs

2 min read
Benefits of Alternative Payment Methods for Small Businesses
Benefits of Alternative Payment Methods for Small Businesses

We examine how alternative payment methods benefit your business and customers

2 min read
10 essential financial terms to know
10 essential financial terms to know

Get financially fluent with our guide to finance terms to know

2 min read
Guide to the compound interest formula
Guide to the compound interest formula

Learn how to calculate the compound interest formula and what it means

2 min read
7 important financial ratios