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The Business Development Interview Process
The Business Development Interview Process
4 min read
GoCardless Basic API v2 Beta
It's now easier to take Direct Debit globally
Secure payments: How to safely take payments online
Secure payments: How to safely take payments online

Customers need to be able to trust you with their payment info. Here's how.

7 min read
Sort code checkers: A complete guide
Sort code checkers: A complete guide

A guide to sort code checkers walking you through what a sort code checker is and how it works before looking at how effective they are.

3 min read
Visualising GoCardless' UK Growth
5 ways to do good with GoCardless
What is a Payment Gateway and how does it work?
What is a Payment Gateway and how does it work?

What is a payment gateway? And how do you find the right one for your business?

8 min read
Ibandit: simple IBAN manipulation
Bacs approved bureaus
Bacs approved bureaus

This guide walks you through what a Bacs approved bureau is and the benefits and reasons for using one.

2 min read
Online Payment Methods: How to accept payments online
Online Payment Methods: How to accept payments online

If you want to accept payments online, you have two main options: Credit (or Debit) Card and Direct Debit. To help you get to grips with your online payment options we've run through the main choices at a high level here.

6 min read
Syncing Postgres to Elasticsearch: lessons learned
Failure rates, Cancellation rates and Indemnity Claims at GoCardless
Failure rates, Cancellation rates and Indemnity Claims at GoCardless

We’ve scoured our database of more than 3 million payments to bring to you some cold, hard facts about Direct Debit. This should help you decide whether or not Direct Debit is right for you.

2 min read
Online payment systems made simple
Online payment systems made simple

Online payments systems can be tough to understand. In this article, we demystify payments and recommend a range of alternative systems for those specific non-Direct Debit use cases.

3 min read
Christmas Opening Hours & Direct Debit Processing Over the Festive Period
SEPA Rulebook Updates: November 2015
Using ES6 Modules with AngularJS 1.3
Charities: which Direct Debit bureau is right for you?
Charities: which Direct Debit bureau is right for you?

Direct debit is a great way for charities to collect payments and the three main providers are GoCardless, Valldata & Rapidata.

2 min read
Direct Debit
How to move customers to GoCardless
How to move customers to GoCardless

There are three main ways you can switch your customers over to GoCardless, which option is right for you will depend on a few things including whether you were already collecting Direct Debit payments and which GoCardless product you’re using.

2 min read
GoCardless named a UK Future Fifty Company
How to use Bacstel-IP
How to use Bacstel-IP

Bacstel-IP, Bacs approved software and the Bacs payment services website.

3 min read
How to take payments from European customers
How to take payments from European customers

Take a look at the 5 main options for taking payments in Europe.

9 min read
How to set up customers to use Direct Debit
How to set up customers to use Direct Debit

Merchants often ask us for help getting their customers set up to use Direct Debit, so we've put together six simple steps that you can use to help them through the process.

6 min read
Introducing Logjam
Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help
Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

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