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New API Version - 2015-07-06

Grey Baker
Written by

Last editedJun 2024

Version 2015-07-06 is released today, with the following changes:

  • Removes /helpers endpoint from the API
  • Renames subscription start_at and end_at to start_date and end_date
  • Enforces date format when passing a payment charge_date

For the majority of integrations, the upgrade will be extremely simple, but we will continue our support for v2015-04-29 until the 6th of January, 2016.


Upgrading to the new API version should be extremely simple:

  1. Update your version header:

    GoCardless-Version: 2015-07-06
  2. If you use the subscriptions

endpoint, update your integration to use start_date and end_date keys instead of start_at and end_at.

  1. If you generate PDF mandates, update your integration to use the new

mandate_pdfs endpoint.

  1. If you use the old /helpers/modulus_check endpoint, update your code to use

the new bank_details_lookups endpoint.

Why are GoCardless making these changes?

The above changes achieve two improvements to the GoCardless API:

  1. Dates now all have an _date key, whilst timestamps all have an _at key.

  2. All endpoints act as first class resources. Previously the /helpers endpoints

were inconsistent with the rest of the API, making them harder to use.

Off the back of these changes we will release version 1.0 of our Java and Ruby client libraries this week. Python and PHP will follow shortly afterwards.

Need help upgrading or have any questions?

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