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Find out how to setup Direct Debit without a provider like GoCardless
Find out when & why you should consider getting your own SUN
UK businesses have been rather slow when it comes to embracing the internet and, more specifically, online payments.
Are your customers reluctant to use Direct Debit? We've put together some tips on addressing the two main customer concerns...
Direct Debit can help you with one-off and recurring payments - both fixed and variable - but there are some types of transaction which you shouldn't ever use it for.
Here’s a guide to help you figure out whether the time is right
We still don’t recommend using Direct Debit for instant payments like e-commerce but Direct Debit is a safe, easy and inexpensive way to collect one-off payments.
Learn about this procedure for validating sort code and account number combos.
ADDACS messages are the messages you receive from your customer’s bank if a mandate has been cancelled or amended by your customer.
An AUDDIS report is triggered when there is a problem during mandate setup. We thought it might be useful to explain some common pitfalls and how you can avoid or resolve them.
An ARUDD report is triggered when a payment fails. In this article, we explain the two most common reasons for payments failing and how you can avoid or resolve them.
The ability to instantly cancel a Direct Debit instruction is an important right for your customers.
Keep on top of advance notice with six quick questions to<br>ask yourself