How to handle Autogiro reports from Bankgirot
Last editedMay 2022 1 min read
Receiving messages from Bankgirot
Each working day at 6am, Bankgirot will make new reports containing any messages available to you. You must have a server set up in order to receive them. If you're using GoCardless we'll automatically handle the reports for you.
Each report is for a separate type of notification and will contain a line for each event of that type. The different reports and associated reason codes are described below.
Mandate notifications
Notifications about your mandates are received as Mandate Advice files. These notifications relate to new, amended or cancelled mandates. For instance, if there have been any problems with the setup or cancellation you'll receive a mandate advice message. There are also messages that confirm the successful set up of new mandates.
Within each message there are "information codes" and "comment codes". You need to use both together to understand the status of the mandate.
Information codes:
Code | Bankgirot meaning | Possible comment codes |
03 | Cancellation, initiated by the payee | 04, 09, 21, 29, 30, 33 |
04 | New addition, initiated by the payee | 09, 10, 20, 21, 23, 29, 30, 32 |
05 | Change payer number, initiated by the payee | 04, 10, 21, 29, 30, 32, 33 |
10 | Cancelled due to payee's Bankgiro number being closed, initiated by payee or payee's bank | - |
42 | Response to account inquiry from bank on new payer in Autogiro | 03, 05, 32 |
43 | Cancelled/removed due to unanswered account inquiry | 07 |
44 | Cancelled due to payer's Bankgiro number being closed, initiated by payer's bank | 98 |
46 | Cancellation, initiated by payer or payer's bank | 02 |
Comment codes:
Comment codes are used with information codes to specify the reason for the mandate information action.
Code | Bankgirot meaning |
02 | Mandate cancelled on initiative of payer or payer's bank. |
03 | Account type not approved for Autogiro. |
04 | Mandate not found in Bankgirot's mandate directory. |
05 | Incorrect bank account or personal details. |
07 | Cancelled/removed due to unanswered account inquiry. |
09 | Payer Bankgiro number not found at Bankgirot. |
10 | Mandate already registered in Bankgirot's directory or inquiry pending. |
20 | Incorrect civic/company number or agreement on mandate based on Bankgiro number not found. |
21 | Incorrect payer number. |
23 | Incorrect bank account number. |
29 | Incorrect payee Bankgiro number. |
30 | Deregistered payee Bankgiro number. |
32 | New mandate. |
33 | Cancelled. |
98 | Mandate cancelled due to cancelled payer Bankgiro number. |
Payment specifications and payments rejected in balance check inquiry
This report details information on incoming payments, outgoing payments and payments that are stopped after the balance check enquiry. You can view an example payment specification and rejected payments message here.
Rejected payments
This report details payments that fail for reasons other than failing the balance check inquiry. This is usually due to a mistake in the submission.
Code | Bankgirot meaning |
01 | Omitted, mandate not found. |
02 | Omitted, account not approved or closed. |
06 | Incorrect period code. |
07 | Incorrect number for recurring payments. |
08 | Amount non-numeric. |
09 | Ban on outgoing payments. |
10 | Bankgiro number not found at Bankgirot. |
12 | Incorrect payment date. |
13 | Payment date passed. |
15 | The payee Bankgiro numbers in the opening record and the transaction record are not the same. |
24 | Amount exceeds Max. amount. |
Cancellations/amendment of payments
The cancellation and amendment of payments report details which payments have been cancelled or amended and provides details as to why.
Cancellation codes:
TK | Bankgirot meaning | Possible comment codes |
03 | Cancelled due to cancelled mandate. | 12 |
11 | Cancelled by payer/payer's bank. | 12 |
21 | Cancelled, payee's agreement terminated. | 12 |
23 | Cancel all payments for a payer number. | 02, 10, 11, 12, 13 |
24 | Cancel all payments for a payer number on a specified payment date. Note: For recurring payments, all payments included in the recurring payment order are cancelled. | 01, 02, 10, 11, 12, 13 |
25 | Cancel one payment for a payer number on a specified payment date, for a specified amount and with a specified reference (optional). Note: For recurring payments all payments included in the recurring payment order are cancelled. | 01, 02, 04, 05, 10, 11, 12, 13 |
Amendment codes:
TK | Bankgirot meaning | Possible comment codes |
26 | Amend all payments to new payment date. | 06, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 |
27 | Amend all payments on specified payment date to new payment date. | 01, 06, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 |
28 | Amend all payments with specified payer number on specified payment date to new payment date. | 01, 02, 06, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18 |
29 | Amend a payment on specified payment date to new payment date. | 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18 |
Comment codes:
Comment codes are used with cancellation and amendment records to specify the reason either for the amendment made or for the amendment not being processed.
TK | Bankgirot meaning | Possible comment codes |
01 | Incorrect payment date | 24, 25, 27, 28, 29 |
02 | Incorrect payer number | 23, 24, 25, 28, 29 |
04 | Incorrect debit code | 25, 29 |
05 | Incorrect amount | 25, 29 |
06 | Incorrect new payment date | 26, 27, 28, 29 |
10 | Incorrect payee Bankgiro number (incorrect check digit) | 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 |
11 | Payee Bankgiro number missing (zero or blank) | 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 |
12 | Cancelled | 03, 11, 21, 23, 24, 25 |
13 | Payment missing, not processed | 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 |
14 | Amended payment date | 26, 27 |
15 | Not amended, recurring payment order | 28, 29 |
18 | Amended payment date | 28, 29 |
Receiving messages with GoCardless
GoCardless can receive and interpret all messages from Bankgirot on your behalf. Where necessary, we will notify you immediately and work with you and your customers to resolve any issues.
To find out more about collecting Autogiro with GoCardless visit GoCardless.com.