Glossary of Betalingsservice terms
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Last editedJul 2024
Term | Meaning |
Banking days (Bankdage) | Also referred to as working days, submissions to Betalingsservice can only occur on banking days, which excludes weekends and bank holidays. |
Betalingsservice | The clearing system that administers the Direct Debit scheme in Denmark, all Direct Debit communications go through Betalingsservice. |
Betalingsservice mandate (Betalingsaftale) | This is an obligatory authorisation that a customer must complete prior to any Direct Debit payments being taken. |
Customer (Debitor) | Also referred to as the debtor. A customer is the person who is paying for a service or goods via Direct Debit payments to a merchant. |
Customer protection | A guarantee made to customers paying via Betalingsservice to request a refund following an incorrect payment. Customer protections can be split into reversals, rejections and claims. May also be referred to as a chargeback. |
CPR number | Stands for Civil Personal Registration or CPR nummer/Det Centrale Personregister in Danish. It is an identification number for every Danish citizen. |
CVR | Stands for Central Business Register or Det Centrale Virksomhedsregister in Danish. Every registered business is required to attain this identification number. |
Debtor agreement | An agreement between the customer and their bank to allow Direct Debit payments to be taken from their account. |
Electronic Information List (Betalingsoversigt) | A file sent to merchant after sending cancellation payment instructions. It is sent in the form of an 0621 file and will confirm the cancellation of payments and a summary of debtor agreements and ongoing payments. |
Merchant (Kreditor) | Also referred to as a creditor. A merchant is the person or organisation collecting Direct Debit payments from a customer. |
Nets | The Payments Service Provider for Betalingsservice and a range of other cashless payment methods. Nets are responsible for outlining the Betalingsservice rules and providing the clearing and settling of payments. |
Mandate | An authorisation from your customer to collect future payments automatically. To set up a mandate your customers must complete a standardised form. |
PBS number (PBS-nummer) | The scheme identifier for Betalingsservice. The unique 8-digit PBS number allows an organisation to submit payments to Nets, creating a record of any transactions that are made against it. |
Rejection (Afvisning) or reversal (Tilbageførsel) | A debtor of a Direct Debit payment (or customer) may initiate a rejection or reversal of the sum debited to return the funds back to their account. They should do this only if they believe the payment was not in line with the mandate. |
Sponsor Bank | A bank that enables you to access the Direct Debit scheme and provides you with a PBS number. |
Valid claim | A valid claim occurs when a customer requests a refund from a Direct Debit payment and the request is accepted because the payment wasn’t authorised, or in line with payments outlined in the mandate. |