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What is a PBS number?

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Last editedJan 2020

The following information outlines the role that PBS numbers (known as PBS nummer in Danish) play when a Direct Debit payment is collected via the Betalingsservice scheme. For more information you can also see the section accessing the Direct Debit system.

What is a PBS number?

PBS numbers are used by each organisation that wishes to collect Direct Debit payments via Nets. It consists of an 8-digit unique identifying number which is stored to create a record of a particular transaction.

A PBS number has a few uses. Firstly, it helps the banks to determine what name should be shown on customer bank statements. Secondly, it can be used to retrieve information about the originator. This may be useful in the case that a customer initiates a claim and is entitled to a refund because the PBS number can identify the correct originator who must pay the refund. Finally, the PBS number can also be used to verify the existence of a mandate.

A PBS number is essential if you want to submit Direct Debits directly with Nets and the bank. With GoCardless, you do not require a PBS number of your own to submit payments.

Getting a PBS number

Nets issue PBS numbers to organisations once they have been provided with the following information:

  • The organisation’s CVR number (Central Business Register or Det Centrale Virksomhedsregister in Danish)

  • Details regarding company ownership

  • Details regarding Power of Attorney

Unfortunately you cannot obtain a PBS number directly from your bank.

PBS numbers and GoCardless

GoCardless can offer instant access to our shared PBS number which we use to collect payments on behalf of our merchants. If you wish, GoCardless can also provide you with your own PBS number, allowing your customers to see your business name on their bank statements.

As GoCardless manages the relationship with Nets to use Betalingsservice, we are the only point of contact you will require. We will also ensure all of the banking and scheme requirements are adhered to as part of our service. Our fees include the costs that Nets typically charge merchants for subscriptions and additional reference text on mandates.

Over 85,000 businesses use GoCardless to get paid on time. Learn more about how you can improve payment processing at your business today.

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