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Customer invite templates

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Last editedJul 20232 min read

Template - simple payment request

Subject line:  Action required: set up your payment details

Body copy:

Dear [Customer name],

To make payments more convenient, we request customers set up a Direct Debit with us, so that we can securely collect payments on agreed due dates. 

Please follow the link below to set up your payment details:

[Paste in GoCardless payment link]

Payments are powered by GoCardless. If you have any questions, please visit these FAQs or get in touch on [company phone number]. 

Kind regards, 

[Company representative]

[Company name]

Template - request for one-off or subscription payments

Subject line:  Action required: set up your payment details

Body copy:

Dear [Customer name],

I am writing to kindly request your payment for [name of product, service, subscription or invoice number].

Please follow the link below to pay:

[Paste in GoCardless payment link]

Payments are powered by GoCardless. If you have any questions, please get in touch on [company phone number]. 

Kind regards, 

[Company representative]

[Company name]

Template - onboarding a new customer

Subject line:  Complete your onboarding: set up your payment details

Body copy:

Dear [Customer name],

It's great to have you on board with [Company Name]. We are delighted to have you join us. 

To make payments more convenient, we request customers set up a Direct Debit with us, so that we can securely collect payments on agreed due dates.

How it works

  1. Follow the link above to our secure payment form: [Paste in GoCardless payment link]

  2. Enter your payment details, and you’re all done.

  3. We’ll schedule payments to be collected automatically on agreed due dates. You’ll be notified by email at least 3 days in advance of each new payment being taken.

Benefits for you:

  • Hassle-free: Never worry about manually making a payment.

  • Secure: Keep your payments safe with the Direct Debit guarantee, protecting you from payments taken in error.

  • Stay in control: Get advance notifications of payments and cancel at any time - you're in charge.

Payments are powered by GoCardless. If you have any questions, please visit these FAQs or get in touch on [company phone number]. 

Kind regards, [Company representative]

[Company name]

Template - switching existing customers

Subject line: Action Required: We’re switching customers to a new payment method

Body copy:

Dear [Customer name],

We are writing to inform you of an important update regarding the payment methods we accept. In our ongoing efforts to improve our services and streamline payment processes, we are switching all customer payments to Direct Debit.

Direct Debit offers a convenient and secure way to collect payments, ensuring that your transactions are processed seamlessly and on time, even if amounts and dates vary.

We kindly request you complete the Direct Debit setup using the link below by [deadline date] to avoid any disruption to your payment arrangements. 

[Paste in GoCardless payment link]

Benefits for you:

  • Hassle-free: Never worry about manually making a payment.

  • Secure: Keep your payments safe with the Direct Debit guarantee, protecting you from payments taken in error.

  • Stay in control: Get advance email notifications of payments and cancel at any time - you're in charge.

Payments are powered by GoCardless.  If you have any questions, please visit these FAQs or get in touch on [company phone number]. 

If you have already set up Direct Debit with us, please disregard this message.

Kind regards,

Kind regards, [Company representative]

[Company name]

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help
Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

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