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Exciting new features for PayLinks

Hiroki Takeuchi
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Last editedJun 2024

We've been working on some exciting stuff at GoCardless in response to your feedback on what features you'd like. We're pleased to announce them here.

We're excited to announce two new advanced options to make PayLinks (now GoCardless Dashboard) more convenient to use. When creating a PayLink, simply click 'Advanced Options' and you will have access to these features:

  1. Specify where users are sent after they've paid: check out the 'Redirect customers after checkout' section in 'Advanced Options' when creating a PayLink. 

  1. Specify start and end dates for subscription payments: For example, you could specify monthly payments starting on the 1st of the month and stopping after 6 months.

Both these options are under 'Advanced Options' for any recurring PayLink you create. (If you can't see these, change the frequency from 'Once' to any of the other frequencies).

We're equally excited to be able to give everyone access to PayLinks, our simple user interface for creating payment requests.

However you normally use GoCardless, you'll now see a 'PayLinks' tab in the top left of your GoCardless dashboard. From there you can create Direct Debit requests incredibly easily.


As ever, we'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts on GoCardless. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at!

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Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

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