
Say hello to Instant Bank Pay, our first open banking-powered feature.

Understand how you can grow your business by broadening your payment coverage.

How open banking improves the customer lifecycle from acquisition to transaction
![[Report] Consumer payment preferences in 2021](https://images.ctfassets.net/40w0m41bmydz/e4Z7EksC4HTeujbmyDQfy/5376095fab3c9b855e47444eac22b790/consumer-payment-prefs-report-2021-cover-v2-en.jpg?w=680&h=385&fl=progressive&q=50&fm=jpg)
How your customers prefer to pay impacts their buying decisions. Learn all about payer preferences in 2021, and how you can leverage them for your business.

What European card fee increases mean for US SaaS businesses working abroad.

Which countries are leading the way in open banking development?

US payment decision makers share: payment optimization in a post-Covid era.

COVID-19 and other factors have furthered accelerated this digitization.

Customer satisfaction and easy to use-few reasons we are a G2 Winter 2021 leader

Is it time for US businesses to leave checks behind for good?

Why does bank debit matter for SaaS businesses? Read more to find out.
![[Report] Forrester Consulting: Recurring Payment Friction In The US](https://images.ctfassets.net/40w0m41bmydz/1IPhAHHVAc8tJYVJYZ1JXN/6ca0a35aac63f12ff5b30c820a5b7bcf/Forrester-thought-leadership-paper_Landing-Page-Thumbnail_2475x1400-US-ZH.jpg?w=680&h=385&fl=progressive&q=50&fm=jpg)
Forrester surveyed 297 US payment decision makers in mixed B2B and B2C firms and B2B-only firms, to better understand the state of recurring payments.

And other key insights from our 2020 payment success index.

Even will drive adoption of GoCardless to enterprise organisations globally.

8x8 already reaping the rewards of their new payment system.

Strategic partnership includes new product integration.

How do North American payment failure rates compare to the global benchmark?

How do North American payment failure rates compare to the global benchmark?

Enterprise value is the measurement of a company’s total value.
![[Report] The payment success index 2020](https://images.ctfassets.net/40w0m41bmydz/2GFEMCjhAadqNIX5nlUCrU/2479a98e1f9c0005a14d68fa7b6734bd/CDT-1053-Payment-Success-Benchmark-LP-Hero-01__1_.png?w=680&h=563&q=50&fm=png)
We analyzed over 52 million payments from 55,000 GoCardless businesses, to find out everything you need to know about payment failure rates.

GoCardless included in 'Payment Processing’ & ‘Subscription Revenue Management’

YayPay will integrate GoCardless’ global network with its AR offering.

GoCardless helps 8x8 cater to global payment preferences for Direct Debit.

GoCardless & Recurly offer better coverage for subscription businesses