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Our new SEPA Direct Debit guide

Nabeel Qureshi
Written by

Last editedJun 20241 min read

As the implementation deadline draws nearer, a lot of questions our customers are asking us are, unsurprisingly, about SEPA Direct Debit.

SEPA Direct Debit offers businesses in the UK, and the rest of SEPA, an amazing opportunity to access new markets by making it cheaper and easier to collect Euro-denominated payments from across Europe.

As it’s such a new system there’s very little information about it available. And to make matters worse – what is available is generally complicated and not aimed at small businesses. The EPC’s scheme rule book provides a lot of information but at 260 pages it isn’t exactly a light read.

To make things a little easier, last month we published our new SEPA Direct Debit guide.

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