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5 ways to do good with GoCardless

Matt Robinson
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Last editedJun 20242 min read

At GoCardless, as well as helping business take payments, we're proud to support many non profit organisations. Making the world a better place has always been a core part of what motivates us as a team, so we're always delighted when we find people using GoCardless for particularly admirable causes. If one of your New Year's Resolutions is to give more to charities and non-profits, have a look at some of these awesome GoCardless users.

1. Help Kids' Company

The Help Kids' Company makes the Christmas period less harsh for kids from less privileged backgrounds. This year they've extended their annual campaign to help meet the basic needs of kids this winter, with warm clothing, hot meals and food vouchers. I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that this is a pretty awesome cause to be supporting! You can get involved on their Crowdfunder page.

Marianna from Help Kids' Company said this: "Kids Company provides practical, emotional and educational support to vulnerable inner-city children and young people in London, Bristol and Liverpool. We offer a safe, caring, family environment where support is tailored to the needs of each individual. We have extended our fundraising target to help us provide our children with basic necessities such as food and heating throughout winter, the harshest time of year. Thank you so much everyone!"

2. Meningitis Now

Meningitis Now's vision is "a future where no one in the UK loses their life to meningitis and everyone affected gets the support they need to rebuild their lives". They provide valuable support and counselling services to those that have lose relatives to Meningitis or to those who's lives have been adversely impacted by Meninigitis (for some people, Meningitis can leave people with permanent short term memory loss, seizures & learning disabilities). If you want to help out, you can do so at the Meningitis Now website.

3. The Seed Africa

The Seed Africa is a great cause - the desire to take one young gifted woman and give her the education that will empower her to make a difference in her community. That girl is Lelo, from Swaziland, who's education in Switzerland has been progressing admirably and she plans to go to boarding school in a couple of years. The Seed Africa is also raising through Crowdfunder, and if you're interested you can donate here The Seed Africa.

4. The House of St Barnabas

The House of St Barnabas focusses on getting young homeless people into long term, sustainable employment. Like GoCardless, it's based in London, and supports many homeless people in London achieve their goals.They describe themselves as 'social pioneers driven by helping others to forge ahead' and they provide a place for young people to meet, connect, exchange and realise ideas. All in all, a really worth cause! The House of St Barnabas.

5. The Nightshelter

The nightshelter provides safety, warmth and food to the homeless in Cardiff. Its residents can take a hot shower, use the laundry facilities and enjoy a cooked meal. Unfortunately, due to cuts in its Local Authority funding, the Night shelter is in danger of closing, which would mean that an additional 10-12 people would have to sleep rough on the streets of Cardiff every night. Its trying to crowdfund enough money to keep the Nightshelter going for at least one more year and is drawing in on its sum. You can donate to the Nightshelter on crowdfunder.

Have you got a great cause and want to take recurring donations to fund it? Get started with GoCardless

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