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Charge date added to bulk payments

Grey Baker
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Last editedJun 20241 min read

We're really excited to announce that it is now possible to specify a charge date when making bulk payment submissions. This has long been one of our most requested features that will enable businesses to upload multiple payment CSVs less often - saving time so that they can concentrate on the more important parts of their business.

Specifying a charge date is really simple

After you have generated a template CSV file, you will find a new column called 'Charge Date' - just enter the date that you would like the customer's payment to be charged from their account.

Future features

In the coming months we hope to release many similar features that help make Direct Debit simpler for businesses everywhere. If you have any feedback about enhancements that you would like to see, just pop an email to

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Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

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