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A couple of myths about GoCardless and KashFlow

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Last editedJun 20241 min read

We’ve really pleased to be integrated with the good people at KashFlow. Over 500 businesses have already signed up to collect money easily and cheaply with GoCardless, straight from their KashFlow account. We've noticed there are a few myths doing the rounds though, which we want to bust once and for all.

Myth 1: You can't collect money by card if you're using GoCardless with KashFlow

We understand where people are coming from with this one, but it couldn't be further from the truth! KashFlow lets you easily set up GoCardless to collect Direct Debits from your customers while letting you keep a card provider for one-off payments and the "PayOnline" button that appears on your invoices. Our comprehensive guide describes how.

Myth 2: Collecting large amounts online can get expensive

Not with our fees it won't! As well as charging just 1%, much lower than our competitors, our maximum fee per transaction is £2.00. We won't charge you more than that, even if you're collecting £5,000.

Over 85,000 businesses use GoCardless to get paid on time. Learn more about how you can improve payment processing at your business today.

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Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help
Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

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