[On-demand] Unlocking the power of Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs)
Hear speakers from Accenture, Plum and GoCardless deep dive into the payment term of the moment - Variable Recurring Payments - explaining what they are and why you’re going to be hearing a lot about them.

Amit Mallick, Global Open Banking and APIs Lead, Accenture
Elise Nunn, Head of Operations, Plum
Moderated by
Siamac Rezaiezadeh, Director of Product Marketing, GoCardless

Join our speakers as they guide you throughÂ
The basics of what Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs) are and how they relate to Open Banking
What is meant by the term ‘sweeping’ and the different use cases that apply to VRPs
Why 2022 is a significant year for VRPs and the exciting impact they’re predicted to have on businesses
Insights from brand-new research and why all signs point to us being on the cusp of game-changing payment technology