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GoCardless: now taking payments across the eurozone

Charlotte Robinson
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Last editedJun 2024

Here at GoCardless, we're on a mission to simplify recurring payments and today we took one step to bringing that even closer.

We are excited to announce, that at 10.45pm GMT today GoCardless added the ability to take payments from across the eurozone through our European payments beta.


That makes us the first business to offer UK and Euro denominated payments all through one simple integration. As usual, you can take these payments through GoCardless using our dashboard or by integrating with our API.

Equally important, we're bringing this feature to you with no extra costs or set-up fees; just our standard pricing of 1%, capped at €2. The eagle-eyed among you may notice that this is technically an even better deal than our UK pricing (with the cap at €2, instead of £2): you're welcome!

We've built our European payments product to the EU's Single European Payments Area regulations (or SEPA for short). If you want to know more about the SEPA scheme, how it works and how its different to UK Direct Debit, you can read about it on our Sepa Direct Debit Guide

We currently only offer customer support in English though, so to collect payments from the eurozone, you need to be able to handle your customers' support queries if they are not in English. As usual we'll be on hand for you if you need any help, offering great levels of support to our merchants on both UK and Euro payments.

If you want to take recurring payments across the eurozone and you can offer support to your customers in their native language, then join our beta and simplify your recurring payments today!

Recurring payments across Europe just got simpler

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