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Credit default swaps are derivatives used to swap the risk of debt default

Budget deficits occur when the government’s spending outstrips its revenue

Find out how to do a terminal value calculation, right here

Value at risk is a financial metric used to estimate the risk of an investment

Get the inside track on the best way to manage expenses with GoCardless

Aged debtors reports are totalled lists of all your business’s unpaid invoices

Get the lowdown on LCR with our liquidity coverage ratio summary.

Learn how to use the compound annual growth rate formula right here.

We've been using coach for a few years now. Here's some things we've learned.

Want to know how to find net cash flow? Check out our helpful guide.

Revenue recognition helps to identify at what point “cash” becomes “revenue.”

AUM is the total value of investments an entity manages on behalf of clients.

Find out everything you need to know about penetration pricing strategies.

The Enterprise Investment Scheme is a UK government venture capital scheme.

UK MOBOX customers can pay via GoCardless for a frictionless experience.

The formula for net sales can provide a clearer picture of your firm’s revenue.

Get the lowdown on the importance of the marginal cost formula.

Revenue run rate is a great way to predict future financial performance.

The cost of sales refers to the direct costs incurred when manufacturing goods.

How many types of assets in accounting are there? Find out here.

Understand the impact of the new data protection laws for small businesses.

Private label credit cards let retailers offer more lenient terms to customers.

Named Leaders and High Performers in G2 Grid Fall 2020 reports

Get to grips with payment facilitators vs. payment processors, right here.