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Our new API docs and Node library

Alasdair Monk
Written by

Last editedJun 2024

I'm excited to announce the release of our rewritten and redesigned API docs at

We've rethought our documentation to provide more clarity and a better understanding of the core concepts of GoCardless. We've also added more example code for each of our official client libraries.

To help improve our documentation even more we're also making it open source.

New Node library

Swiftly following the joy of fresh, cleanly formatted docs I have the pleasure of introducing our new API library for Node.

Let's cut straight to creating a one off bill:

var url = gocardless.bill.newUrl({
  amount: '10.00',
  name: 'Coffee',
  description: 'One bag of single origin coffee'

// Now redirect to `url`

... or perhaps a subscription (we really like our coffee)

var url = gocardless.subscription.newUrl({
  amount: '30.00',
  interval_length: '1',
  interval_unit: 'month',
  name: 'Coffee',
  description: 'Fresh roast coffee subscription'

// Now redirect to `url`

Our Node library is currently in beta, so please get in touch if you experience any unexpected behaviour. For more example usage and documentation, please check out the Node library docs.

Open source and available today

Naturally, both our new API docs and Node client library are open source, and available on GitHub today.

This is also an opportune moment to say that we're hiring. If you love working on big problems then help us fix online payments.

We're hiring software developers

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Over 85,000 businesses use GoCardless to get paid on time. Learn more about how you can improve payment processing at your business today.

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Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

Interested in automating the way you get paid? GoCardless can help

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