Bank Account Data for Personal Finance
Offer the perfect personal finance product
Securely access your users’ bank account data. And give them the full view of their finances.
How it works
Access 720 days of data
Account info, balances, transaction data. Everything you need to help your users manage their finances. From one account, or many.
Refresh data daily
Refresh your customers’ data up to 4x per day. And per open banking rules, they only need to reapprove every 90 days.
2,500+ banks and counting
Your users can connect accounts from over 2,500 banks across the UK and Europe. With more always on the way.
Secure and regulated
No screen scraping or workarounds here. GoCardless is a licensed AISP, GDPR compliant, and is ISO 27001 certified.
“[GoCardless] PSD2-regulated API solutions are the backbone of our services, as they enhance connection with our customers and create an exceptional customer experience.”
Erik Martin Vetemaa, Co-founder of Bilance, a personal finance management app
Free | Pay as you go | |
Bank account data | 50 requisitions per month | Unlimited |
Customisable end user UI | ||
Standard support | ||
Verification of company account | ||
Monthly fee | N/A | £100 / €100 |
Price per requisition per month | N/A | £0.25 / €0.25 |
Bank account data
50 requisitions per month
Customisable end user UI
Standard support
Verification of company account
Monthly fee
Price per requisition per month
Pay as you go
Bank account data
Customisable end user UI
Standard support
Verification of company account
Monthly fee
£100 / €100
Price per requisition per month
£0.25 / €0.25
Getting started is easy
Ready to get started?
Create an experience your users will love. Power your software solution with GoCardless Bank Account Data.