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Payer preference

[Report] Consumer payment preferences in 2021

We surveyed 15,424 consumers across the globe to determine which payment methods consumers prefer to use. Learn how to leverage payer preferences for your business and boost conversion and retention.

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Key takeaways:

Direct Debit is the preferred way to pay in the UK, Spain and Denmark

Corporate cards continue to dominate North America

B2B SaaS companies should offer bank debit as their next payment method.

What you’ll learn
What you’ll learn

What you’ll learn

  • How consumers preferred payment methods differ by country

  • Why consumers favour their preferred payment methods

  • Where bank debit is preferred, and where card payments are divisive

  • How well digital wallets like PayPal stack up

  • How consumer payment behaviour could change in a post-COVID world

The report features commentary from Zuora and Recurly.

Download the report

Benefits of payer choice

Boost Conversions

Businesses that offer more payment methods get results. Businesses offering 5+ payment methods grew 4% faster than those offering 1-3 payment methods.

Retain customers

By addressing consumer payment preferences, you can minimize payment failures and retain your customers for longer.

Improve brand credibility

Providing a payment method that is specifically available and preferred in a country, promotes trust in your brand and in your legitimacy as a business with potential customers.

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Leverage payer preferences to your advantage.

Speak with a payment expert to learn how you can optimise your payments strategy.