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What is the book-to-bill ratio?
What is the book-to-bill ratio?

Everything you need to know about the book-to-bill ratio.

2 min read
What is Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)?
What is Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)?

What is business process re-engineering (BPR) and why is it important ?

3 min read
What is a clearing account?
What is a clearing account?

Clearing accounts: What they are and how they can help your business?

2 min read
How to create a common-size income statement
How to create a common-size income statement

What is a common-sized income statement and how can it form business decisions?

2 min read
What is a compensating balance?
What is a compensating balance?

What is a compensating balance and when might you need or want one?

2 min read
What is the Luhn Algorithm?
What is the Luhn Algorithm?

Learn how the Luhn Algorithm verifies credit cards and other number sequences

2 min read
What is inherent risk?
What is inherent risk?

Learn how to determine inherent risk and its effects on overall audit risk

2 min read
The cost principle: What is it and how to use it effectively
The cost principle: What is it and how to use it effectively

Learn more about cost principle and its application in business

2 min read
What is the Price-to-Book ratio?
What is the Price-to-Book ratio?

Find out how the price-to-book ratio can be a useful tool for your business

2 min read
What is Sensitivity Analysis?
What is Sensitivity Analysis?

Find out about sensitivity analysis in our comprehensive guide

2 min read
What is an EBITDA margin?
What is an EBITDA margin?

Learn everything you need to know about an EBITDA margin in our detailed guide

2 min read
What is Geometric Mean?
What is Geometric Mean?

Learn how to calculate returns on financial assets

2 min read
What is notes payable?
What is notes payable?

Learn the difference between accounts payable and notes payable in accounting.

2 min read
What is the matching principle in accounting?
What is the matching principle in accounting?

It costs money to make money, which is where the matching principle comes in

2 min read
What is hurdle rate?
What is hurdle rate?

The hurdle rate is a useful decision-making metric for any business owner

2 min read
What does general ledger mean?
What does general ledger mean?

Discover the general ledger basics here to use in accounting

3 min read
What is ABC analysis?
What is ABC analysis?

Make better sense of your business inventory using an ABC analysis

2 min read
What is a checking account?
What is a checking account?

A checking account is an important part of everyday banking

3 min read
What is a certificate of deposit?
What is a certificate of deposit?

Could a certificate of deposit be the right savings tool for you?

2 min read
What does budget variance mean?
What does budget variance mean?

When expectation doesn’t meet reality, budget variance holds the key

2 min read
What is the market to book ratio?
What is the market to book ratio?

Find out how valuable your business looks

2 min read
What are operating expenses?
What are operating expenses?

The operating expenses ratio is a key metric for your business.

2 min read
What is the market risk premium?
What is the market risk premium?

Sometimes, taking risks pays off. Learn about market risk premium

2 min read
What is inventory turnover ratio?
What is inventory turnover ratio?

Your inventory turnover ratio shows how efficiently you’re managing your stock

2 min read