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Payer Preference

Your customers met their payment method of choice...and lived happily ever after

A customers’ preferred payment method impacts their buying decision.

Offering a preferred payment method can improve conversions, customer loyalty and retention.

How do consumers want to pay their household energy bills?
How do consumers want to pay their household energy bills?

How do consumers want to pay their household energy bills?

Direct Debit, credit card or PayPal? How do your consumers choose to pay their energy bills?

Every energy customer is unique and has a favourite way to pay. Find out how consumer preferences impact both customer acquisition and retention from our research with YouGov of over 15,000 consumers.

Read the findings

Benefits of meeting customer payment choices

Boost conversions
Boost conversions

Boost conversions

Payment preferences change from country to country. While cards are popular in the US, bank debit is the preferred method in the UK and Australia. By offering only one single payment method excludes a portion of potential customers. 

Businesses that offer more payment methods get results. Businesses offering 5+ payment methods grew 4% faster than those offering 1-3 payment methods.

Retain customers
Retain customers

Retain customers

30% of churn is involuntary. When payments fail, customers often lose access to your product or service. By addressing consumer payment preferences, you can maximise payment success and retain your customers for longer.

Improve brand credibility
Improve brand credibility

Improve brand credibility

The payment methods available and the methods people prefer to use differ by country and region. Providing a payment method that is specifically available and preferred in a country, promotes trust in your brand and in your legitimacy as a business with potential customers. See how payment preferences vary in different countries.

Get the insights from the consumer preferences report

Give payers what they want and win more customers

See Instant Bank Pay in action

Speak to one of our payment experts to learn how GoCardless can help you offer the right payment mix to boost conversions, and customer acquisition.