Frequently asked questions
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What is the pricing?
Our pricing is based on the Merchant location, please see the Pricing tables below; please note all prices shown are exclusive of VAT / sales tax where applicable.

Please note that we still offer volume-based discounts for larger Merchants and where applicable, current revenue share rates will not be impacted by this pricing change.
All prices shown are exclusive of VAT / sales tax where applicable.
How does it apply
Accessing a plan no longer incurs a monthly fee, instead there are fees associated with each transaction, as listed below;
Each plan has a domestic and international transaction fee associated with the features and product it offers. The transaction fees apply to both successful and unsuccessful transactions.
Domestic transactions are defined as transactions made in their home scheme(s) (and for UK and ANZ additional schemes we deem “domestic”). International transactions are defined as transactions made outside of the home scheme(s) (and for UK and ANZ additional schemes we deemed “domestic”).
On top of the domestic transaction fee, there are additional fees applicable:
a cap which means that the fee per transaction has a max amount
a High Value Transaction (HVT) fee (only applicable in UK and ANZ) which applies on the portion above the HVT threshold. E.g. a transaction is £3,000, then the HVT fee will apply to the additional £1,000 over the £2,000 HVT threshold. Note: this is additional to the ‘cap’.
Note: the cap and HVT surcharge do not apply to international transactions.
Where it applies, there are also ancillary fees applicable to certain transaction events, see below;
Failures - only in US, Germany and Austria
Chargebacks - applicable to all the types in US, Germany and Austria. Chargeback fees may apply in other regions.*
Refunds - applicable to all refunds
Finally, we have add-on fees for add-on features which are charged on a monthly basis.
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